That's right people. It's a dog with a mustache. I recently saw this picture on the wall at the post office in the "Wanted" section. Seems Dasher here held up the Chuck Wagon and is an armed and wanted hound. OK, none of that's true, but for only $10, you too can have a dog that can impersonate Snidely Whiplash:
I don't know why it makes me laugh, but it just does. Maybe because it's just so wrong. But then again so are those dog antlers and I can't stand those. So why does the mustache humor me so? Maybe it's because I liked cartoons as a kid. Maybe it's because it's just so ridiculous. Or maybe it's just because a curly mustache is just funny. I don't know. But I do know that if your dog has one of these I'd be wary of him. Just keep a keen eye out for any maidens tied to railroad tracks in the area. If there happens to be one, I can venture a guess who has tied her up.
Actually, I never got that. Why did he always delight in tying up a girl and laying her on railroad tracks? To what end does that serve? I guess he's just... evil. (Da-da-dun!) If you're just evil, you don't need any sound reasoning or logic. Why? Because you're, (da-da-dun!) evil.
OK, the dog mustache isn't really anything to worry about. It's in fact a silly dog toy. The mustache isn't attached to the dog in any way. There is a ball on the back that the dog will eagerly hold in it's mouth, providing you photo-ops and hours of laughs.
If faux facial hair isn't you're idea of doggie hijinks's, they also make a comically long tongue. Also $10.