Election day came and went and all we truly have to be thankful for is that the annoying, mud-slinging commercials are gone. I am proud to say that I did vote and that's pretty much it. I have become jaded to the point where I think they're all egocentric, narcissistic, crooks out to get themselves a bigger piece of the pie.
I remember back to the mock elections we had in grade school. Everyone was told what each candidate stood for. We were also given a little background on each of them and told how they got to their current position being eligible for the post.
On election day we formed a single file line, were lead out of class and into the makeshift polling place. There even was a little curtain we got to close to keep our votes secret. The next day the real votes were tallied and on a poster board next to the votes from all our different classes. We discussed who won, who lost and why our votes may have differed from the adult voting public.
Sounds nice. Doesn't it? Almost like something from a Norman Rockwell painting. It made a believer out of me that the system does work. That our votes really do make a difference. That everything was going to be alright.
What a load of crap! We were snookered! I want retribution!
In the adult world all you get is a bunch of hoopla about our guy and your guy is a racist devil! Now there can be no change, even though before when "the right people" were in charge there wasn't any change. How can you say that? Your people were screwing everything up! How dare I? My people were being held down by your people. Your candidate is a crook! Oh yeah? Well yours is a radical. Take that back! No you take it back!
Good God everyone just shut up already. Talking politics is about as useful as an empty box of kleenex to a person with a runny nose. All it gets you is frustrated and a wet sleeve.
Someone please take me back to those innocent school days. The days where I actually thought the people in office really cared about us. The days I thought they actually cared about the job they're doing. Man oh man was I naive.
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